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What folks are saying...

“…Presented from lived experience with integrity. Has awakened in me something I’d lost.”

“I found Susan’s style of presentation wonderful. It was a style that kept the attention of the group.”

“Susan is an excellent teacher! She knows and is gifted in passing on skills on journal writing.”

“Delightful presenter, wonderful sense of humor, excellent material, grounded, good suggestions…”

“Provided a safe environment to explore new ways to use journaling for self discovery.”

“I am blessed! You have come at the right time and the right place. Thank you most sincerely.”

“Susan was most affirming of our comments and questions. This helped me to go deeper.”

“The presenter’ s style was so engaging, humorous and respectful---her material more helpful than any journal workshop I’ve done.”

“Susan is a gifted and gifting communicator and can help us access our depth.”



Let us help you customize a program that’s right for your group, organization, company or association.

Whether your group is large or small, we will design training sessions and presentations to meet your needs.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • “Writing From the Inside Out”

  • When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes

  • Journaling for Healing, Growth & Transformation

  • Practical Strategies for New & Aspiring Writers

  • Life, Creativity & the Pursuit of Happiness
If you are interested in finding out more about Susan Borkin’s customized training programs, click here or contact Susan at 408.973.7877.

About Susan Borkin:

Susan Borkin, M.A. is a licensed psychotherapist, coach, author and speaker. She maintains a psychotherapy practice with a focus on creativity and authentic happiness. She integrates the use of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing), hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy as well as writing as a part of the process of healing, growth & transformation. In her coaching practice she works with stuck writers to address the emotional and psychological blocks encountered in the process of writing (i.e. Writer's block, fear, or trauma related to self-expression). For reluctant, new and aspiring writers as well as veteran writers who have gotten off track, she provides structure and support in writing basics and accountability.

Susan Borkin has taught personal growth journal writing since 1978 and is the author of When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes: The Healing Power of Writing and Writing From the Inside Out: Using a Journal for Personal Growth & Transformation.


Susan Borkin, M.A.
Licensed Psychotherapist, Writing & Creativity Coach
(408) 973-7877 Phone | (800) 55-2-WRITE (9748)

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No portion of this site may be copied without the express written consent of Susan Borkin.